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Merkel in UK: COVID travel and post-Brexit ties overshadow German Chancellor's trip
Merkel aims for UK-Germany relations reset during last visit
Creative or Destructive Force? Covid-19, Russia, and European Democracies
UN warns of escalating famine in Ethiopia with 1.8m at risk
Ireland, Hungary and Estonia opt out of OECD tax deal and cast shadow over EU's unified position
Meet the people and companies looking towards our future needs
Legal battles with EU won't hinder climate change work, says Apple
Assa Traoré, sister of black man who died while in custody in France, acquitted of defamation
Now they want us! France, Germany @nd Italy pushing for new Brexit deals with Britain
Merkel besucht Boris Johnson auf seinem Landsitz Chequers
Brexit: Michel Barnier 'prefers not to say' what he thinks of UK negotiators
Don't mention the score! Queen to host Angela Merkel at Windsor Castle days after Euro win